The Power of Pivoting - How to Embrace Change and Create a Life You Love

The Power of Pivoting - How to Embrace Change and Create a Life you Love was a book that I never planned on writing. I always had it in the back of my mind that maybe someday I would write about my journey but I just thought “How can I write a book when I’m still in the middle of the story” But then I realized that my middle might be someone else’s beginning. Maybe someone needed to learn from what I had been through and there was some value in the lessons I’d picked up along the way. Maybe, just maybe, the whole world was pivoting.

Growing up, I learned to fear the unknown, fear change, and fear failure…but dream big! When my First Big Holy Crap (see Chapter 2) pivot happened during the transition from high school to college, I was unequipped with how to handle the emotional distress and depression that came with it. Over time, I learned tools like building a “Mental Health Toolkit” to stave off anxiety attacks and depression. Chapter 4 jumps into the “Joys of Mental Illness” and breaks down how to create your own “toolkit” to prevent a panic attack BEFORE it starts.

But my big, giant, rug-pull pivot came when my then-husband confessed to his affair. Suddenly I was left standing in the rubble of what I thought my life would look like and for the first time I asked myself “What do I ACTUALLY want?” This changed everything. Shifting my mindset from seeing my setbacks as setups and one-by-one creating habits to build out my dream life, changed my entire outlook. 

The Power of Pivoting walks readers through exercises at the end of each chapter to help you 1. Discover what your dream career is and how to go after it. 2. Use manifestation, visualization, and all the woo-woo goodness combined with practical tips to create routines that ACTUALLY work, and 3. Let go of the barriers and former goals that no longer serve you. 

By the end of this book, you’ll feel like a renewed badass ready to take on the world as your most authentic and ideal self. As someone who’s afraid of everything, I created the adventure travel show Monica Goes to show people that if an everyday, average girl like me can do it, anyone can. My goal for this book is to inspire others to push out of their comfort zones and start living the life of their dreams!

* The book is now available NOW on Amazon or grab your signed copy HERE!


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